Monday 30 April 2018

Run Time/Replay Settings - Load Runner - Part_1 - Chapter10

  • Run time Settings are an important configurations, which should be adjusted according to our needs.
  • Run time Settings are divided into four parts.
    • General
    • Browser
    • Network
    • Internet Protocol
    • Data Format Extension:

  • All the above cannot be explained in a single post as they will have sub sections. Hence we will segregate as different parts.
    • General:
      • Number of iterations can be configured.
      • Run time order can be configured. i.e Action blocks can be re-arranged according to our needs.
    • Pacing: 
      • Pacing is an important topic that needs attentions. As of now will explain in general what is pacing and its standard options available. Later on another post, will explain in details about pacing.
      • Pacing is a time different between every iteration.
      • Three basic options available in Load Runner as below
        • Start new iteration as soon as the previous iteration ends: This option can be selection if NO pacing is required. 
        • Start new iteration after the previous iterations ends, with Fixed/Random delay of 60.00 second(s) : This option can be selected to enable pacing with specifying time in seconds, so that, the next iteration would wait till the specified threshold reaches and then starts new iteration.
        • Start new iteration at Fixed/Random intervals, every 60.00 seconds(s): This option can be selected, if at any cost, the new iteration should be started with fixed or random time specified. i.e if kept 10 seconds as interval time, then for sure after 10 sec, the new iteration would be initiated, not waiting for the previous iteration to complete.
    • Log:  
      • Log is actually a trace.
      • Enabling logging checkbox enables log.
      • There are two options available for logging.
        • Log Options:
          • "Always option", enables log every time, you replay the script.
          • "Log when error occurs and limit" : Log messages would be printed in replay log, if log size reached the specified threshold.
        • Detail Level:
          • Standard Log: if enabled, it will print what is the transactions called, and what is the status of the requests, whether it passed or not. 
          • Extended Log: if enabled, it will print below details informations
            • Parameters values subtitued
            • Data returned by server. i.e server response for our web request. This helps us in correlations.(This will be explained later)
            • Advance trace will print indepth details of the communication happened between request from client and response from server.
    • Think Time: 
      • This is to emulate the user interaction time delay. For example. the user hits the url and types username and password and click login button. this would take some 20 to 30 sec approx. so we would keep 20 sec think time above the login transaction to emulate the real world scenario.
      • Four different options available as below
        • Ignore think time
        • Replay think time as recorded : This option enables the think time specified in our script.
        • Multiple recorded think time by 1 : hardly we will use this.
        • Use random think time: Approximate average think time can be configured.
  • The remaining setting would be explained in different posts.
  • Stay tuned for more learning's.

Correlation Using Load Runner - Part1 - Chapter13

Correlation General Description : Capturing Dynamic values from the preceding requests and substituting in the post request.  Exam...